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Boris Baltschun und Serge Baghdassarians machen aus Stimmgeräten Schrift-Installationen.

the installation consists of 27 pedal tuners arranged in a circle. they are modified to act as an animated led sign, transforming the title’s sentence ‚eddy ate dynamite good bye eddy‘ into never ending visual permutations. the title refers to the mnemonic of the standard guitar tuning (e-a-d-g-b-e) and relates to the idea of the memory palace. this memory palace is –metaphorically speaking– constantly built and blown up again.

deaf consists of four modified pedal tuners with led-displays connected in a closed-circuit loop. placed next to each other they form a neon sign displaying the four tone names / letters d-e-a-f. the dimension of time in tuning is transferred to the animation of the four letters.

Früher auf Kulturtechno: “Bodybuilding” von Serge Baghdassarians und Boris Baltschun

Aphorismen des Tages:



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Firma radikale

systembezogene Arbeit Songs

Gott Stempel

Größtmögliche dramatische Unberührtheit