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Video: Oral History der Darmstädter Ferienkurse für Neue Musik

NACHHALL (Reverberation) is an oral history project on the International Summer Course for New Music in Darmstadt. The history of this unique institution involves many of the key figures in composition, interpretation and scientific reflection of contemporary music. In NACHHALL they are recalling their individual memories and experiences.

Photographer Lukas Einsele, filmmaker Christian Gropper and musicologist Michael Rebhahn are currently developing a documentary on behalf of the International Music Institute Darmstadt (IMD), organizer of the biennial Summer Course from 1946 until today. The trailer, containing interviews with composers Gottfried Michael Koenig and Konrad Boehmer, conveys a vivid impression of the NACHHALL project.

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Aphorismen des Tages:


Schule der vertikalen Resonanz

Die vorchristliche Stilisierung Gottes

Ouvertüre konturiert den 10. Ton

Musik wollte mehr As-Dur-Sonaten

Das Dissertat

Konkretisierung schafft Liebe, handelt philosophisch

Stil im Umschlag