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Interaktiver Mal-Roboter

Benjamin Grosser hat einen Mal-Roboter gebaut. Der Schöpfer dazu:

This machine uses artificial intelligence to paint its own body of work and to make its own decisions. While doing so, it listens to its environment and considers what it hears as input into the painting process. In the absence of someone or something else making sound in its presence, the machine, like many artists, listens to itself.

The system is built from a complex mix of hardware and software components, all networked together and managed from a central control system. This central software utilizes a genetic algorithm (GA) as its decision engine, making choices about what it paints and how it paints it. Audio captured by its shotgun microphone is subject to real-time fast fourier analysis, providing the system with useful data about what it hears. The resulting painting gestures are transformed into codes that can be sent to the cartesian robot that manipulates a paint brush in three dimensions. These codes break down each gesture into a series of primitive moves, describing everything from how much pressure to use on a brush stroke to how to put more paint on the brush.

Tatsächlich würde ich denken, dass ein Gerät, das alle Zwischenformen, von klaren Befehlen des Meschen-Masterminds bis zur selbstständigen Arbeit beherrscht, ein normales Werkzeug heutiger Maler sein könnte. In der Art entwickle ich COIT immer weiter.

(via Triangulation)

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  1. […] via Tweet I am here Dieser Beitrag wurde unter Gadget, Lehrreich, Linse abgelegt und mit benjamin grosser, Interactive Robotic Painting Machine, robot verschlagwortet. Setze ein Lesezeichen auf den Permalink. ← Die Bulli Kuh […]