Ich mag ja so Pixel-Bilder, angefangen bei Paul Klee und Gerhard Richter. Außerdem wird in dieser schönen Arbeit auch mal wieder die Frage gestellt, ab wann etwas als Zitat gilt. Ich klau jetzt einfach mal die Beschreibung:
100.000.000 stolen pixels is a personal project by Kim Asendorf in attempt to create an archive of numerous sites by ‘stealing pixels’ from them. A web crawler created by Kim started with 10 URLs (See first 10 in url.log) and searched HTML pages for images and hyperlinks. Each found image got downloaded and 100 pixels in a square of 10×10 were cut out of it. Each found hyperlink got stored in the cache and thereby added to the list of searchable URLs.
The process repeated itself until 1.000.000 images were downloaded and 100.000.000 pixels were stolen. The application run for 215:30 hours (9 days). The process result in a very large mosaic which is browsable via google maps.
Version 1 (Original order)
Version 2 (Cutouts sorted)
Version 3 (Original order, pixel sorted)
Version 4 (Cutouts sorted, pixel sorted)