An alle Kulturtechno-Leser in Huddersfield, UK:
Heute abend spielt Sebastian Berweck dort im Konzert mein Klavierstück 5.
Sebastian schreibt:
with great joy I’d like to announce the release of „Extended Piano“, the very first CD of University of Huddersfield Press’ brand new record label HCR. It features music by James Saunders, Michael Maierhof, Johannes Kreidler, Benjamin Lang and Thomas Wenk along with an essay (Leaving the comfort zone)by Michael Rebhahn. Mastered by Sebastian Schottke at ZKM Karlsruhe it not only sounds beautiful but looks good, too, with design made by Mike Spikin based on Anika Neese’s beautiful photography
The release concert is tomorrow night at the Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival. The CD will be available for a special discount throughout the festival. If you can’t make it to Britain’s most important festival this year you’ll soon be able to get the CD from every major outlet – and I’ll have a few copies, too.