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YouTube Playlist „Konzeptmusik“

Snadris Murin hat mit mir zusammen eine YouTube-Playlist konzeptueller Musik kuratiert.

It was my pleasure to work with Johannes Kreidler to create a Youtube playlist of 10 concept music pieces. We defined concept music as music where the idea produces the pieces itself and composer intervention is the least possible. You can find the link to this Youtube playlist in the first comment.
Here is our list:
– 4’33 composed by John Cage
– MINUSBOLERO composed by Johannes Kreidler
– Sol Lewitt performed by John Baldessari
– Crypto Silence created by Dmitri Kourliandski
– Arnold Schoenberg, op. 11 – I – Cute Kittens created by CoryArcangel
– Die Geburt des Künstlers aus dem Geiste der Musik created by Trond Reinholdtsen
– Guitar Drag created by Christian Marclay
– Up next composed by Dylan Richards
– The Chord Catalogue composed by Tom Johnson
– Inverted Piano created by Tomomi Adachi