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Hip-Hop macht den besten Käse

Für eine Studie haben sie Emmentaler Käse ein halbes Jahr mit Musik beschallt. Der Hip Hop-Käse schmeckt angeblich am besten im Vergleich mit der unbeschallten Käse-Kontrollgruppe.

Für das Experiment benutzte man neben Nieder-, Mittel- und Hochfrequenztönen (25Hz, 200Hz und 1000Hz) die Racks Monolith von Yello (Ambient), Stairway to Heaven von Led Zeppelin (Rock), den Technotrack UV von Vril, We Got (the Jazz) von A Tribe Called Quest (Hip Hop) und Mozarts Die Zauberflöte; der Käse wurde ein acht Monate rund um die Uhr der Musik ausgesetzt.

According to research on the musical tastes of Emmental, the holey cheese changes flavour depending on the melodies played as it ripens.

The experiment — “Sonic cheese: experience between sound and gastronomy” — by Bern University of the Arts and a cheesemaker in western Switzerland probed whether the sounds and vibrations of music could impact the chemical reactions in the bacteria within cheese.

Over six months, Emmental made in Beat Wampfler’s 19th Century cellar in the town of Bergdorf were exposed to A Tribe Called Quest, Led Zeppelin or Mozart. Other circles of the holey Swiss classic were kept away from music, serving as a control group.

“We did two surveys, a scientific one, and another with a jury of culinary experts,” said Peter Kraut, deputy director of the music department at the Bern arts university. “Both came to the conclusion that there are differences, there are differences in taste and in the smell, according to the music with which the cheese has been refined,” he added.

Chef and jury member Benjamin Luzuy said hip-hop triggered a “softer, more floral” taste, but that his favourite was Mozart-exposed Emmental.

(via Nerdcore)