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Kategorie Technologik

animal sounds played on a violin

Keine völlige Neuheit, aber doch verblüffend.

(via BoingBoing)

Kleine Doku über Field Recordings

Since the birth of audio recording in the 19th century, people have used the technology to capture the ambient sounds of our world for later playback. With the invention of high-quality, portable tape recorders in the 1960s, field recording evolved into its own art form. Now, all of us carry high-quality digital recorders in our pockets and myriad sound artists continue to push the form forward. Good field recordings have the power to transport us and, sometimes, attune our own senses so that we too listen more actively to our own experiences in the world. In this short documentary “Sound Fields,” director Sam Campbell introduces us to contemporary field recordists who are masters at active listening and share what they hear with all of us.

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Theater heute

Ich möchte all diese Funktionen natürlich INNERHALB eines Stückes zum Einsatz bringen.

(via kfm)

Musik in der DNA

Letztlich finden wir doch wieder das Naturspeichermedium. Natürlich auch gruselig, dass man irgendwann eine Schnittstelle am Körper hat, über die man alle seine Daten >in sich selber< speichert. Die Musik macht mal wieder den Anfang.

Zunächst hatten die Forscher die Audiodaten des Albums auf 15 Megabytes verdichtet – dazu nutzten sie das Opus-Audioformat, es liefert eine bessere Musikqualität als MP3. Eine US-Firma stellt nun 920.000 kurze DNA-Schnipsel her, auf denen die gesamte Information gespeichert ist.


Die so entstandene DNA soll laut ETH in 5000 winzige Glaskügelchen eingebracht werden, die in Wasser in einem winzigen Fläschchen aufbewahrt werden können. Es sei jederzeit möglich, die DNA wieder aus den Glaskügelchen herauszulösen, in der richtigen Reihenfolge aneinanderzufügen und die Musikdatei über Sequenzierung der vier DNA-Bausteine zu lesen und abzuspielen.

(via kfm)

Klang in Scheiben


(via Boudoir)

Komponieren bedeutet, Ohren auszudrucken

To create an ear, the printer lays down a pliable, porous scaffold made of hydrogel, a kind of polymer. The scaffold is covered with skin cells and cartilage cells, which grow and fill in the ear-shaped form. The hydrogel eventually biodegrades; after about six months the ear is composed entirely of human cells. “We use the patient’s own cells,” says Anthony Atala, director of Wake Forest University’s Institute for Regenerative Medicine. That way the organs won’t be rejected.

(via username)

Computerinstallation, 1958

(via sofias)

Portraits aus einer einzigen Linie

Von S. Stoppel

Almost one year ago I started working on drawing algorithms soon after that I opened an experimental design studio LinesLab that explores algorithmic art and robotics.
After about 9 months I finished a system that is capable of drawing in many different styles and allows to create a completely new style within a couple of minutes. The system automatically optimizes the drawings based on their size, used materials and the perceived similarity. Here are some results of the drawings I made with my pen plotter Karel. Each drawing is computed in just under one second and Karel between one or three hours to complete the drawings, depending on the drawing complexity, the drawing sped and the size of the drawing.

(via BoingBoing)

Schallplatte auf dem Kopf abspielen

Claude Young erklärts. Wäre hinsichtlich der Symbolik noch weiterzudenken.

(via kfm)


Man meint es hören zu können.

(via OddSide)