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Kategorie Sonstiges

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Singer, falling down the stairs

Kann es nicht einbetten, geht ihr hier, ohne die Treppen runterzufallen:

Alle Länder, die in der polnischen Nationalhymne erwähnt werden


The YouTuber named the Speed Bard performs musical covers with an unconventional instrument: the speed bag. Although most commonly used to train boxers in a gym, the Speed Bard proves that anything can be a musical instrument if you hit it hard enough.

In his video, he performs the 1999 hit „All Star“ by Smash Mouth. Browse his channel for other songs, including „Feel Good Inc“ by Gorillaz, „In the End“ by Linkin Park,“Gangnam Style“ by PSY, and „Uptown Funk“ by Bruno Mars. After you feel pumped from watching, try knocking out your own rhythms on a heavy bag.

(via Neatorama)


Was da wohl für eine Psychologie dahintersteckt.

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