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Kategorie Sonstiges

Über die Hohlheit des Denkens

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Ein Tempel als Instrument

The pillars, named SaReGaMa, are so-called after the first four notes (svaras) of the standard scale in Indian classical music – similar to the Western Do Re Mi Fa (solfège).

Together, they hold up the 15th-century ‚Ranga Mantapa‘, a main attraction within the temple complex. Resembling an open pavilion, it was most likely used for music and dancing.

Across the hall, primary plarger pillars are surrounded by seven smaller pillars that each ‚play‘ one of the seven notes in the Indian classical music scale. Made of pieces of huge resonant stone, the cluster of musical pillars vary in height and width, in order to produce the different tones.

(via BoingBoing)

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