Sebastian Tomczak hat vor zwei Jahren ein 10stündiges Video mit weißem Rauschen hochgeladen, das sich mittlerweile fünf Copyright-Claims von Youtubes Algorithmen eingefangen hat.
The claimants accusing him of infringement include publishers of white noise intended for sleep therapy. „I will be disputing these claims,“ he told the BBC.
Google automatically makes claims on behalf of content creators if its algorithms find a close match between the content of two videos. In this case, the claims against Mr Tomczak do not demanding the video’s removal, but instead the reward of any revenue made from advertising associated with it. Without the claims, Mr Tomczak would receive such revenue himself.
„I am intrigued and perplexed that YouTube’s automated Content ID system will pattern-match white noise with multiple claims,“ he said. His video was originally made along with other 10-hour recordings – including one of a continuous electronic tone. The claims relate to specific portions of similarly lengthy videos of white noise also posted on the site.
(via Nerdcore)